Salary Loan - Private Employees

Target Clients:

        1. Private banks

        2. Private companies in the motorcycles and appliance industries

        3. Pawnshops

        4. Private schools

        5. BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

        6. Private Personnel in the Hospital

        7. Printing Ads Personnel

        8. Food and Beverage Service Industry Employees

Term: 6 months up to 1 year

Loan Amount:  10,000.00 up to 30,000.00

Mode of Payment: Monthly

EMPLOYER – Implementing Guidelines:

        1. Must be SEC Registered

        2. Must have maintained profitable operations for a minimum of 3 years

        3. Must have at least 10 permanent employees

Qualified Applicants:

        1. Permanent & Regular Employees of the company with a minimum of 2 years of service.

        2. The applicant’s age must be insurable until the maturity of the loan.

        3. Net monthly salary of at least P10,000.

        4. Must have a 1 qualified co-maker.

Qualification Requirements:

        1. Original Company ID – attached only photocopy with 3 signatures.

        2. Original 1 valid gov’t issued ID – attached only photocopy with 3 signatures.

        3. Last 3 months payroll / pay slip – photocopy only

        4. COE – stating position, monthly income & tenure

        5. Proof of utility bills – 2 different bills


        Collateral – any of the ff. to be secured by the borrower

                ATM with AVS notarization

                Notarized MOA

                Post – dated checks for the entire loan repayment