Secured Loan
Offers flexible term to finance personal needs or purposes providing alternative solution for clients to cater their desired necessities.
Individuals who are land title owners who has regular income earning and purpose are for personal consumption.
Term: Flexible Term Max 10 years
Loan Amount: 40%-70% of the appraised value but MUST NOT BELOW P30,000.00 loan application.
Mode of Payment: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, & Annually (Depends on the source of income of the client)
4 pcs 2×2 ID Picture
1 valid photo bearing ID
Proof of Income
Photocopy of OCT/TCT
Vicinity Map
Tax Declaration and Tax Receipt
Prior to Release
Original copy of Sketch Plan with Vicinity Map
Original copy of OCT/TCT (collateral)
Special Power of Attorney, if applicable
Original copy of Real Estate Tax Declaration
Original copy of current Real Estate Tax Receipt or Tax Clearance
Certification from:
Provincial/City Register of Deeds or
Affidavit of non-tenancy (1 hectare or more)
DAR Clearance (5 hectares or more)
Insurance Policy for Improvements
Bond to answer claims for Section 4 Rule 74, if applicable
Other documents pertaining to liens
1 qualified co-maker (for borrower 60 y.o and above)
1 valid Photo Bearing ID
Proof of Income
Cash Flow