Home Loan
-A financial assistance offered to eligible borrowers in acquiring subdivisions or condominiums to a registered developer or individual sellers with affordable monthly amortization providing opportunity to own a property instead of renting.
Acquisition of Condominiums/Subdivision/Home from individual Sellers (2nd Hand Condominium).
Acquisition of Condominium/Subdivision/Home from Developers.
Condominium which is the subject of the acquisition
Subdivision Properties subject to acquisition
Term: Maximum 10 years.
Loan Amount (Subject to HGC Policy guarantee line):
70%-90% of the purchase price for brand new condominium.
60%-80% of the appraised value for 2nd hand condominiums.
Mode of Payment: Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, & Annually (Depends on the source of income of the client)
23-59 years old. Applicants with age of 59 years old and above may also apply but on a case to case basis;
Has been gainfully employed for at least 3 consecutive years and with a permanent employment status;
Has financial capacity to pay the loan;
If applicant is married, spouse will also act as co-borrower;
With permanent visa and permanent Philippine residence in case of foreigner.
The applicant's business must be profitable for 3 consecutive years;
Has the financial capacity to pay the loan;
If applicant is married, spouse will also act as co-borrower;
With permanent visa and permanent Philippine residence in case of foreigner.
1 Valid Photo-bearing ID with signature (including spouse if married).
Latest Residential Proof of Billing.
Copy of Marriage contract (if Married); Copy of court decision on Annulment and Certificate of Finality of Decision (if annulled); Copy of court decision on Legal Separation and Certificate of Finality on Decision (if legally separated).
Contact to sell (if acquired from an Accredited developer).
For Rural Bank of Rizal (Z.N.) Inc. Printed validation checked with HLURB website if the developer has authorization to sell.
Cash or Check payable to Rural Bank of Rizal (Z.N.) Inc. as NON-REFUNDABLEPAYMENT for Appraisal Fee and Application Fee.
Complete Filled-out Application Form.
Photocopy of Transfer/Condominium Certificate of Title (TCT/CCT) under the name of the borrower or co-borrower.
Tax Declaration Current.
Statement of Account form the Developer (Applicable for Acquisition from Authorized Developer).
Note: As an option for purposes of purchasing a CONDOMINIUM since condominium title can be processed with timeline of 3-5 years in lieu of "CONDOMINIUM TITLE" a Special Power of Attorney with Waiver of Rights, Deed of Assignment executed in favor of the bank and Deed of Sale.
Additional Requirements:
For Employed Applicants:
Latest Certificate of Employment
Latest Income Tax Return or BIR Form 2316 or 2306 or Latest 3 months pay slip
If Applicant is in Business or in Professional Practice:
Latest BIR Form 1701 with BIR Stamp
Latest Audited Financial Statement with BIR Stamp
Latest Business Permit
For overseas Filipino applicants who are NON-IMMIGRANT (Contractual worker)
Consularized Certificate of Employment
Job Contract
Latest 3 months Pay slip of Payroll of Any proof of remittance for the past 3-6 months
For overseas Filipino applicants who are IMMIGRANT
Certificate of Employment
Income Tax Return or Proof of Remittance of Pay slip for the past 3-6 months.
4 pCS (2X2 OR 1X1) Picture
Post Dated Checks
Proof of Income or Contract or Latest Pay Slip or BIR Forms (2316 or 2306 or 1701 for self-employed)
Valid ID
Tax Declaration (if there is a new assessment)
Tax Receipt
Fire Insurance
Mortgage Redemption Insurance (MRI)